Tiger Take-Off




Higher 教育 Emergency 救援 Fund Program


推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站获得了高等教育紧急救济基金(HEERF)的资助。, made possible through the Coronavirus Assistance, 救援, 和经济安全(关怀)法案,以帮助解决对我们的学生和大学的直接和紧迫的影响.

美国.S. 教育部规定,一半的资金将支付给受大流行影响的学生,另一半可用于机构费用. 推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站于2020年11月4日签署并返回了认证和协议,以确保资金被用于有需要的学生.

A $500.2020年3月16日入学并符合以下标准的攻读学位的学生将获得800美元的整体助学金:根据《推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站》第484条,符合第四章的资格, filed a 2019-20 FAFSA with no flags, 以及没有参加完全在线课程的学生. 学生通过学校的电子邮件地址被告知,助学金将以直接存款或邮寄纸质支票的形式发放.  这封电子邮件还包括一个链接,供学生通过学生紧急援助申请表申请额外的关怀资金.  紧急援助基金旨在帮助支付与学业相关的费用,如食物, 住房, course materials, 技术, 医疗保健, and childcare. The Emergency 援助 Application was located on the Campbellsville University website until funds were depleted.

关心行为 Funds Awarded to Institution

$1,600,734 Student portion
$1,600,734 Institutional portion
$162,375 Strengthening Institutions portion
$3,363,843 Total funds

Total Funds distributed to students, under
Section 18004(a)(1) of the 关心行为 as
emergency financial aid grants

$1,600,734 as of 6/05/2020

Estimated total of 学生 eligible for and
received HEERF/关心行为 funding

1956 students as of 6/05/2020


$1,600,734 as of 12/22/20 – final report

根据《推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站》第18004 (a)(2)条分配的加强机构部分总额

$162,375 as of 12/22/20 – final report


季度预算和支出报告- 2021年3月

季度预算和支出报告- 2021年6月

推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站通过高等教育紧急救济基金(HEERF)获得了额外的资助。, 通过《推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站》(CRRSAA),以帮助解决疫情期间对我们的学生和大学的直接和紧急影响.

Funds Awarded to the Institution

$1,600,734 Student portion
$5,656,203 Institutional portion
$319,696 Strengthening Institutions portion
$7,576,633 Total funds

Student Emergency Grants

学生紧急补助金发放给有特殊需要的学生.  该大学使用FAFSA申请来帮助评估需求.  有资格获得佩尔助学金的学生获得了1,000美元的整笔助学金.  非佩尔助学金学生获得500美元的整笔助学金.  这一轮资助包括了完全在线的学生.  所有符合标题四的学位和证书课程都包括在内.  学生必须在2021年1月19日注册,并且在2021年2月8日之前没有退学.  学生必须在2021年1月19日之前提交FAFSA以确定他们的需求.  Non-US students were not eligible for funding.



$1,600,734 Student portion

  • Student emergency grants $1,600,734
  • 3,169 students eligible and received grants

$5,656,203 Institutional portion

  • Student emergency grants $665,766
  • Lost revenue sustained by the University $4,990,437

$319,696 Strengthening Institutions portion

  • Lost revenue sustained by the University $319,696


American Rescue Plan Act (ARP)

推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站通过高等教育紧急救济基金(HEERF)获得了额外的资助。, 通过《推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站》(ARP),帮助解决疫情期间对我们的学生和大学的直接和紧急影响.

Funds Awarded to the Institution
$6,328,398 Student portion
$6,074,552 Institutional portion
$575,145 Strengthening Institutions Portion
$12,978,095 Total funds

Student Emergency Grants
学生紧急补助金在春季期间颁发给寻求本科学位的学生和符合条件的证书课程, summer and fall 2021 terms.  Fully online students were eligible.  Non-US undergraduate students were eligible.  学生必须在5月8日注册2021年春季学期, 2021, summer 2021 term on July 15, 2021 and fall 2021 term on October 25, 2021.  7月30日, 2021 – 2,503 students were eligible and awarded $2,580,春季学期500美元,980名学生,总共543美元,500 for the summer term.  2021年11月1日,2,889名学生有资格获得秋季学期3,205,575美元的奖学金.  大学在所有资格期间使用FAFSA申请来确定助学金资格和特殊需求.  The block grant eligibility matrix was as follows:


*截至2021年11月1日,共发放了6 329 575美元的学生紧急补助金.  学生补助金拨款在该日全额发放. 

Institutional Portion
6美元,074,552机构部分是可用于支付与冠状病毒相关费用(包括收入损失)的最高金额, reimbursement for expenses already incurred, 与向远程教育过渡相关的技术成本, faculty and staff trainings, and payroll), 开展高等教育法(HEA)授权的学生支持活动,以解决与冠状病毒相关的需求. 机构资金也可用于向学生提供额外的经济援助补助金. 该机构在ARP的机构部分下还有两个额外的必要用途. It must use a portion of the proceeds to: (a) implement evidence-based practices to monitor and suppress coronavirus in accordance with public health guidelines; and (b) conduct direct outreach to financial aid applicants about the opportunity to receive a financial aid adjustment due to the recent unemployment of a family member or independent student, or other circumstances, described in section 470A of the HEA.